April 2023

Organizing Learning Games in Teaching Mathematics at Grade 1
1Huong Le Thi Thu,2Chu Thi Ha
1Thai Nguyen University of Education, Faculty of Primary Education, Vietnam
2Nguyen Hue Primary School, Thai Nguyen city, Thai Nguyen Province, Vietnam
DOI : https://doi.org/10.47191/ijsshr/v6-i4-34

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Grade 1 is the first grade of primary school level, students begin to move from the main play-based activity to the main learning-based activity. Because it is just the beginning, the learning activity is still new and confusing for the children. The games have interesting and helpful content suitable for children's perceptions. In addition, in the innovative education in Vietnam according to competency-based learning, learning games are extremely necessary for teachers. In this article, we clarify the concept and advantages of learning games in the process of teaching Mathematics and propose a process for designing and organizing learning games. At the same time, illustrate an activity of teaching Mathematics in primary school which using learning games.


learning games, Grade 1, primary school, Mathematics, learning through playing.


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